Saturday, April 23, 2011

Al Buell

Tattered and Lost

Best Date

Real Cute

So Nice
Born in 1920 in Kansas, Albert Leslie Buell paperback cover artist, magazine illustrator, and Coca Cola artist worked with Elvgren in the Sundblom shop in Chicago. His oils are among the best pin-ups in that medium, although existing originals (on board, not canvas) are much smaller than those of Elvgren, Ballantyne and Ekman.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Richard Schmid

Morning Song
"It's morning. what I really was trying to capture was that wonderful feeling of being alive. Or of waking up in the morning and feeling great and everything's beautiful. That's what the painting is about, really. Secondly, it's about the person. It's a very private moment. It's a very intimate moment and the person is alone-getting ready to face the day. Every good portrait of this sort has sense of intimacy about it and a natural, intrinsic sense of romance"
- Richard Schmid


Sammie's Pansies
Richard Schmid was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1934. His earliest artistic influence came from his maternal grandfather, Julian Oates, an architectural sculptor. Richard’s initial studies in landscape painting, figure drawing, and anatomy began at the age of twelve and continued into classical techniques under William H. Mosby at the American Academy of Art in Chicago.
Throughout his career, Richard Schmid has promoted art education through his books, articles, workshops, seminars, and television presentations. He travels widely in the Western Hemisphere for his subjects, and currently lives in New Hampshire with his wife, Nancy Guzik.

I really enjoy the realistic colors. The attention to important details like the flower petals mixed with the implied background really makes the subject matter pop.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Charles Burton Barber

The Special Pleader

No Ride Today

In Disgrace
Not Much Wrong
Off to School

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lady in a Garden

Edmund Blair Leighton was a painter of historical genre paintings, mainly of medieval times, but also regency. Leighton was a fastidious craftsman, producing highly-finished, decorative pictures. It would appear that he left no diaries, and though he exhibited at the Royal Academy for over forty years, he was never an Academician or an Associate. Very little has been published about Blair Leighton: there are no modern monographs dedicated to his work, he is seldom mentioned in books which discuss Victorian art, and yet some of his paintings number amongst the most recognizable of Victorian art to many people and have fetched large prices at auction in recent years.
Medium: Oil
The vivid garden is captivating. It reminds me of my favorite book, The Secret Garden

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tristan and Isolde, 1902

The legend of Tristan and Iseult is an influential romance and tragedy, retold in numerous sources with as many variations. The tragic story of the adulterous love between the Cornish knight Tristan (Tristram) and the Irish princess Iseult (Isolde, Yseut, etc.), the narrative predates and most likely influenced the Arthurian romance of Lancelot and Guinevere, and has had a substantial impact on Western art and literature since it first appeared in the twelfth century. While the details of the story differ from one author to another, the overall plot structure remains much the same. The cosmic theme of conflict between good and evil, betrayal and loyalty, self-interest and selflessness, both externally and internally, as the best and the worst within heroes and struggles for dominance, is never far from the reader's mind. In different forms, as drama, opera, poetry, and prose, the tale has had an enduring attraction and has long since taken its place as a classic within the European literary heritage.